The First Post

I thought a lot about what I wanted my first post to be about. It was going to blow everyone's mind, that much I knew. But when it came down to it I couldn't think of anything "mind blowing" to share. What I did come up with was a short story about me, but then realized that was better suited to the "About Me" page (AKA: Once upon a time...). So then I was back to square one. Great.

So instead, I figured I'd share some more stuff about myself, who I am and who I aspire to be:

I love Indian food. It's my favorite food, but every single time I eat it I gorge myself until I can't move and regret it for the next three days.

If I had to choose something I could not live without, I would choose cheese. Always.

If I were an animal, I would be a fox: I consider myself playful, enthusiastic and strategic. It would also be my Patronus.

Weaving intricate plots is a favorite past time.

When I took a few months away from writing fiction in college (in order to write absurdly long papers), I began to have panic attacks. I later realized this was because I did not have a creative outlet.

I have an addiction to lavender oil.

My favorite color is red.

My favorite books are Harry Potter, followed quickly by Jane Eyre.

I am inspired by the world building of JK Rowling and the romantic plots (and subplots) of Jane Austen (not to be confused with Jane Eyre above).

My favorite part about the city are the sky scrapers, but more than anything, I miss the stars.

I aspire to be a great author. I aspire to inspire.

I hope to see you all on this journey of mine through the publishing world.

All my love,


  1. Mind blowing thoughts never appear when expected. I find they like to reveal themselves when not a pen or paper are too be had; such as when you are in the shower, or on public transportation. Lord knows the smell of a packed bus can stimulate the senses!.

  2. Agreed! The bus is rather pungent, especially after a baseball game gets out! For me, I find I'm the most inspired the last 45 seconds before I fall asleep (which involves rushed note taking and a grouchy Irishman) or when I'm driving! NEVER when it's convenient!

    I need a note taking app or a handheld recorder... Haha.


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